Property - Urban Planning - National Land Registry
Judicial and Extrajudicial correction of first inaccurate cadastral records
Control and registration of land in the National Land Registry
Correction of squares in the competent municipality
Correction of squares in E9 and in the tax return
Finding a building dossier of property (building permit executive, floor plans, topographic diagram, coverage diagram, faces, incisions)
Arbitrary constructions (many buildings in Greece have arbitrary constructions that the owner does not know)
Electronic building identity necessary for notarial deeds
Drawing topographic
Entry of data to the DOY residents of overseas
Search real estate for purchase
Search buyers to sell real estate
Legal Audit of Property: Prosecutor's and Weight Control
Drawing up contract plans, pre -agencies and ownership of real estate, and other private agreements
Drawing private housing leasing agreements, professional lease, building facilities - short -term leases
Lawsuits from lease
Payment/Lease Communications
Adhesive lawsuits
Assertive lawsuits
Real estate
Differences between co -owners
Real estate expropriations