An institution that has not yet been introduced into Greek law, but has begun to make its appearance through recent judicial decisions is the co -operating of minor children of divorced parents and consequently alternating residence. What are the rights of their children and parents in this case? Why in almost all cases the care of minor children is assigned by the courts to the mother and how can the equality of both parents be ensured by the time they share with their children?
Greek law, in Article 1513 of the Civil Code states that "in the case of divorce or cancellation of marriage, and if both parents live, parental care is regulated by the court. Parenting exercise can be entrusted to one of the parents or, if they agree at the same time the place of residence of the child, both together. The court may decide differently, in particular to distribute the exercise of parental responsibility between parents or to assign it to a third party.
Despite the reservations made by Greek theory in terms of the feasibility of this arrangement, on the grounds that the parallel existence of two life centers could create a lack of stability and insecurity, most countries in the world predict the coincidence or joint care of parents. In four European countries, in fact (France, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark) it becomes mandatory.
The beginning of the shared residence and after the dimension, the Council of Europe also recommends with no. 2079/2.10.2015 resolution, inviting Member States to introduce it to their legislation. In Greece, the Hellenic Council of Common Falling have been established and the Association "Coisition", with the aim of introducing the common custody of the two parents and the scientific support of this practice.
How exactly the co -operating arrangement works:
The child's upbringing is a complicit product by both parents. The child is equally with both his parents and spends equal time with them, both during the day and during the month. In practice, the child has a two functional houses, the father and the parent residence, in which he should have his own space.
Benefits of co -authority:
Interest of the minor:
The interest of the minor, which is the ultimate purpose of any regulation provided by the legislator and ordering or validating the judge, imposes, at the critical and sensitive age, to live with both his parents so that, in this way, to cause the smallest possible disturbance of his lifestyle.
Alternating custody exercise ensures the participation of both parents in the child's upbringing and enhances the minor's bonds with both his parents. Recent medical and psychological studies have shown that jointly, alternating child upbring of the balanced development of the child. Children living with both parents, with equal distribution of time, reported higher levels of satisfaction than their lives than those subject to another arrangement for separated families.
Parent's relationships to normalize:
Implementation of co -consignment, limits the inevitably adverse effects that cause divorce on the child's psychology and personality. Also, with the joint effort and understanding between parents, for the common goal, the interest of the child, the necessary climate of serenity, tranquility, stability and safety is restored, which is necessary for the uninterrupted development of the overall. process of completing the personality of the minor.
But also practically, dispute is reduced between parents and any abusive behaviors, as no one feels more or less power than the other in raising the child. Parents, in this way, alienated from such impracticities, are devoted to the upbringing of children.
In conclusion:
By regulating the cooperative of the minor, thereby encouraging the balanced contact of the child with both parents. With modern social data and changes, parents have been tasked with additional complex roles: the woman, due to her professional employment, has a difficulty taking care of her own children, while the relationships of fathers with their children is not the same as her, which prevailed in the past. In addition, it is a reality that two weekends alternately per month do not allow the parent, who does not reside with the child to have a real influence on his upbringing, while at the same time remaining, most of the time, is an unfulfilled feeling on both sides, Trying to fill time with more common moments, which is usually not completed when the communication time ends.
The solution of a marriage should not entail the dissolution of a family when there are children. Divorced parents are dominant parents and their separation, regardless of fault, should not deprive anyone of the possibility of exercising custody. Both parents are, by presumably, capable of parental role, so that the cooperative is the appropriate solution to the upbringing of the child, which needs both and not only the best of them.